Belmont Trust
Belmont Trust was created to manage a parcel of land which sits between the Swan River and Great Eastern Highway near the Ascot Racecourse.
The community engagement process has been completed and the Trustees will be meeting to discuss the content of the report in 2023. For the latest news and updates, please visit Belmont Connect.
Belmont Trust is located in Ascot, Western Australia and is bound by Great Eastern Highway, Stoneham Street and the Swan River.
About Belmont Trust
This piece of land covers approximately 14 hectares and features a complexity of overlapping stories, uses and histories. While the City of Belmont owns the land, a Declaration of Trust over the land has seen Trustees appointed to manage the way the land can be used. The Trustees are the current and successive Elected Members of the City of Belmont Council. This is a unique situation which has been in place since the Declaration was formalised in 1954, when the City of Belmont was known as Belmont Park Road Board.
The Trustees are inviting the City of Belmont community to learn more about the complexities of Belmont Trust and get involved in shaping the future of this piece of land.